Deep Thoughts Only Partially Influenced by Wine

"Where there is impossibility, there is possibility; and where there is possibility, there is impossibility. It is because there is right, that there is wrong; it is because there is wrong, there is right...Thereupon the self is also the other; the other is also the self." --Zhuangzi

Friday, March 04, 2005

Wine Recommendation for the Weekend

Sorry, all....
Forgot to do this one as I am too eager to get out of here for the weekend. How about I recommend a little Mad Dog or T-bird this weekend? :)

2 Pennies for My Thoughts:

  • At 9:11 AM, Blogger KoryO said…

    Nah, Three Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's.
    Enjoy your weekend! ;)

  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said…

    I, myself, would have tossed off Wild Mountain by Boonesfarm but it is no longer produced. This may explain why I haven't gotten wined out to the point where I take my guitar out to the picnic table to annoy the neighbors with, lately.

    For my response to: If someone can give me the definition of a great guy so that I can aspire to such a thing, it would appreciated." see A Good Man


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