Deep Thoughts Only Partially Influenced by Wine

"Where there is impossibility, there is possibility; and where there is possibility, there is impossibility. It is because there is right, that there is wrong; it is because there is wrong, there is right...Thereupon the self is also the other; the other is also the self." --Zhuangzi

Monday, May 09, 2005

Match.Com Final Analysis - So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!

Yes, I still do exist. I could say I have been very busy with things but as far as the blog goes anyhow, I have just been lazy actually.

So the experiment has officially ended. What were the results? Well, I do admit I never really did try exceptionally hard as I think in total I sent out about 60 to 70 emails and although the initial response rate was not too bad in my opinion (somewhere around 15%), I only did ever date three women, two past a second date, and one seriously. In general, I found it very hard to have something to say back as there was little said in the actual profile. There were plenty of pretty pictures to look at of course, but not much else.

There were three basic plans of attack so to speak in my responses. The first was a general playful and silly response that somewhat followed my profile and though I try to focus on them, it became hard after awhile and I somewhat felt I was creating a form letter response. I would say this was the most successful in terms of responses but I did this a lot initially when I had the energy to do so and as a result I can only speculate that this really was the most “successful”. This led to two of the actual dating situations.

The second was to establish some connection based on some mutual interest and add a bit of playfulness to this connection. This had no success and would lead me to believe that there is no desire to find your “other half” in the community based on interests. Of course, I am not that pessimistic. :) I probably did not try this approach enough. Besides, at least among women, my primary stated interest of guzzling wine, does not really appear to be very unique.

The third approach was to establish what amounted to a bit of an esoteric philosophical/intellectual/emotional connection through a response. I would say this would be impossible on, but managed to actually do it once and only once as her profile actually said enough for me to respond in such a manner. On a response to success (not sure how to define that) basis, I suppose this would be the most successful and have been actually very surprised to run across this opportunity.

This above situation is still developing and has gotten to a point where I am happy to say to, buh bye! On the other hand, it has been something very slow developing until the past weekend. I always seem to find the quiet, shy, reserved challenges anyhow! Oh well. I suppose there will be more to come on this situation though I find it odd to have no problem talking about the world around me with a supposedly quiet, reserved person on dates that have been as long as ten hours (trip out of town to a Vivaldi concert in the middle of nowhere).

2 Pennies for My Thoughts:

  • At 12:41 PM, Blogger seaslover said…

    Oh - I sssssssoooooooo want to hear about the 10 hour trip!! Missed u last night - didn't even hear the phone. I'll email and see what you're up to :) - j

  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger KoryO said…

    I was hoping something wonderful was happening with you.... :) Will have to catch up with you later.

    Best of all to you and the special lady!


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