Deep Thoughts Only Partially Influenced by Wine

"Where there is impossibility, there is possibility; and where there is possibility, there is impossibility. It is because there is right, that there is wrong; it is because there is wrong, there is right...Thereupon the self is also the other; the other is also the self." --Zhuangzi

Monday, May 23, 2005

Wine Quote of the Week

"In water one sees one's own face; But in wine, one beholds the heart of another."
An Old French proverb

Conversations with S involving the simple question, "Why wine?" are sometimes hard to answer given that it seems to be simply a part of me, my past, my present, and my future. However, the quote above does seem to say something to me in an answer to "Why wine?". Like all things, there can be too much of a good thing, but a glass or two of wine seems to put me in the proper mood to really take a look at others and converse in such a manner to see through the walls. Granted it helps if they have partaken as well of course. Of course it could be that people are not interesting without a bit of wine, but oh well.

Too much, on the other hand, and I simply end up the happy drunk who just likes to make friends and not really care who I am making friends with. This is often not a good thing!

2 Pennies for My Thoughts:

  • At 12:41 PM, Blogger DragonStormInAZ said…

    Rose colored goggles? ;)

  • At 7:27 AM, Blogger KoryO said…

    The coolest sunglasses I ever had were rose-colored. Lost those damn things five years ago and still miss them!


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