Deep Thoughts Only Partially Influenced by Wine

"Where there is impossibility, there is possibility; and where there is possibility, there is impossibility. It is because there is right, that there is wrong; it is because there is wrong, there is right...Thereupon the self is also the other; the other is also the self." --Zhuangzi

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

San Carlos or Splashdown!

The classroom and pool sessions are now officially over and I can now look forward to getting in the ocean for real-like. Pretty much everything has been done in the pool at least two to three times with the exception of the unconscious diver rescue techniques (done once) so I am pretty comfortable with what I shall face in the open water. I have enjoyed the experience so far though I am not always really excited about being constantly in a testing environment. It will be nice to do some actual diving and exploring without it being an exam. I am still planning on Labor Day weekend in the Florida Keys with a few more experienced divers though I need to actually put that into a plan in the next few days or so from what I am told.

As much as I enjoyed it so far, I have found I don’t like being committed to something in the evenings after work and the pool can get quite dull after awhile. I am not sure anyone can be in awe of the underwater view of white plaster too much anyhow.

I suppose the only other surprise was the fact that the class started with seven people and ended with three. Not that it was the easiest thing I have ever attempted but it was hardly the most difficult either (He says this without having tried the open water part yet, of course). I enjoyed just hanging out at the bottom the most and liked the emergency swimming ascent the least. I suppose there is something about slowly letting my breath out in the fact that I am not good at it yet. I tend to let it escape way too quickly and this makes the emergency swimming ascent kinda ummmm…. uncomfortable about halfway through. The good news on this is that the emergency swimming ascent test in the open water is half as deep (15 feet up versus 30 feet across the bottom of the pool).

Anyhow, hopefully you will all be able to do a toast with me on the evening of June 19th. I will either be a happy certified scuba dude or a frustrated annoyed dude in need of a drink. Either way, I need some drinking support!

San Carlos here I come!

4 Pennies for My Thoughts:

  • At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Sounds incredible. I want to see pictures...of the real thing. I don't much like white plaster walls either.


  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger KoryO said…

    I'll be happy to dive with you anytime!

    I will be raising my glass of...whatever....that day to you and your new certification (I know you will do very well, and am envious about the Keys!)

  • At 2:50 PM, Blogger DragonStormInAZ said…

    Wanna come to the Keys with me? ;)
    So far it is just me and two Florida gals. I could need saving. heh heh

  • At 12:04 PM, Blogger KoryO said…

    Send me the details. Maybe I could talk the Tsar into going.


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