Deep Thoughts Only Partially Influenced by Wine

"Where there is impossibility, there is possibility; and where there is possibility, there is impossibility. It is because there is right, that there is wrong; it is because there is wrong, there is right...Thereupon the self is also the other; the other is also the self." --Zhuangzi

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Philosophical Thought of the Day - Here lies Lester Moore. Four shots from a .44. No Les-no more.

There seemed to be several troublemaking Lester Moore’s in the Old West as this appears on several tombstones in ghost towns throughout the West. I have only seen it in person at the tourist trap otherwise known as Boot Hill in ever-exciting
Tombstone, AZ.

So why is this philosophical? Well it may not be too much so but the only time I was actually relaxed on the San Diego trip was walking around a small historical cemetery by myself (I think the last person buried there was buried in 1895). It was really more of a reflective relaxation based on the fact that I was surrounded by those who have already lived their lives, relaxed or not. Strange thing about cemeteries to me is there always seems to be stories of how others lived their lives, there struggles, their worries, their joys, there celebrations and so on…

While there lives have been lived, my life is being lived and I am still concerned about how I live it. I worry about most everything lately and I am even worrying about worrying. This is ridiculous to me of course and much of what I have been worrying about lately has steadily been resolving itself anyhow so I am actually finding something good in the silliness: self bemusement! Even the tooth issue that I mentioned that I worried about and mentioned in my previous was a result of silly worrying. I have been clenching my teeth in and out of my sleep a lot lately and shifted a filling a bit. A few days back to using the night-guard and all is fixed again with the dentist finding nothing.

The only thing really keeping me in worry mode is how things really are going with S. Not that things are going bad at all, just feel like I am spinning my wheels on this one lately.

I assume that I have a great life, no less, no more, but somehow I need to tell the part of me that worries about things this fact. I wonder if brut force works? :)

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